Tentative Grants | LSU Sponsored Program Accounting

Tentative Grants

If expenditures are expected to be incurred before the agreement is fully executed, a tentative grant may be requested through the department head.

The grant will not be linked to an award until SPA receives the fully executed agreement.  A tentative grant is a mechanism which allows the PI to charge grant expenditures with the correct source of funds until the award is finalized.  

The following information is required to establish a tentative account number:
  • Sponsor
  • Principial Investigator Name/ Co-PI
  • Award Amount
  • Begin Date/Expiration Date
  • Purpose/Function of Account
  • Fringe Benefit Rate, F&A Rate & Base, GA Tuition Remission Rate
  • Proposal Number (LSUAM Only)
  • Proposal/Project name
  • Contact Name and Phone Number
  • Department Head’s Signature
  • Responsibility clause stating that the department will be responsible for all charges if the agreement is not fully executed.

For LSUAM projects, the AS494 form is available in the Forms section of SPA’s website. When completed, the form should be sent to OSP.  

For AgCenter projects, the AS495 form is available in the Forms section of SPA’s website. When completed, the form should be sent to the AgCenter OSP.

For all other campuses, the AS496 form is available in the Forms section of SPA’s website.  The completed form should be sent directly to SPA.

F&A is not charged to tentative grants.