Backyard Habitat Gardener | LSU Hilltop Arboretum

Backyard Habitat Gardener

Backyard Habitat Gardener Summer Camp 

Ages 7-10 ~ June 10-14, 2024 ~ 9am-1pm
$125 Members/ $160 Non-Members (includes an annual membership)

Backyard Habitat Gardener is a get your hands in the dirt program that introduces children, ages 7-10, to natural habitats and allows them to explore the world through horticultural and environmental science activities. Campers will foster an appreciation for nature and nurture a sense of awe and wonder for the natural world. Our counselors are enthusiastic and experienced, but the real teacher at Hilltop is our most treasured resource, the land. It is Hilltop’s hope that we can encourage children to act in their own backyards and beyond! 

Day 1: Plants
Learn about plant needs, soils, and composting.  Decorate tree cookies, make bark rubbings and engage in other fun hands-on activities! 
Day 2: Critters
Visit with Bluebonnet Swamp On The Geaux’s live critters and learn about the habitat basics all creatures need. Campers will create and take home a “Toad Abode”! 
Day 3: Insects, Bees and Butterflies 
Learn from an apiarist, interact with bee hives (from a distance) and taste fresh honey. Release a butterfly into the wild!  
Day 4: Vegetables, Herbs, and Fruit
Learning about nutrition can be fun! Engage in a hands-on cooking lesson with take-home recipes and plant a take-home herb garden.  
Day 5: Horticulture and Birds
Plant a tree in Hilltop’s meadow and learn about pollinator plants and the hummingbirds that visit them with Jane Patterson of the Audubon Society. 

Campers please bring lunch and water. Snacks are provided. 

Louisiana Master Gardeners of East Baton Rouge Parish

Thank you to our local Master Gardeners for sponsoring and providing volunteers for the program.


 Camp Registration Details

Check back for information about our Fall Thanksgiving Camp.

Questions? Call 225-767-6916 or email.