Senior College Scholarships
Senior college scholarships are open to entering freshmen and transfer students, as well as currently enrolled students, who intend to major or are currently majoring in a curriculum within a specific college.
How to Apply
Entering Freshmen and Transfer Students
Scholarships vary by academic college. Colleges manage additional scholarship support opportunities. Contact the academic college of your intended major regarding questions about their specific scholarships and processes. Students interested in the College of Agriculture are eligible for additional scholarship opportunities.
The application for admission also serves as an application for academic college scholarship opportunities.
Enrolled Students
Enrolled students should contact the academic college of their current major regarding questions about scholarships available. Scholarships vary by academic college.
Scholarships Available
For an example of scholarship opportunities for students in each senior college, view a comprehensive list of awards offered in the "Financial Aid and Scholarshps" section of the LSU General Catalog. Scholarships are segmented by senior college in the top navigation.