LSU A&M and University System IT Policies
Policy Statements (PSs) represent policies of Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College. They are not binding upon other campuses of the University System and are subordinate to policies of the University System issued as Permanent Memoranda to the By-Laws and Regulations of the LSU Board of Supervisors to state and federal regulations and statutes. Policy Statements typically originate within one or more of the operating divisions of the University to address policy issues that are of a campus-wide nature. Policy Statements may also be issued to interpret and implement Permanent Memoranda, By-Laws and Regulations of the Board, or pursuant to the requirements of state and federal law.
LSU A&M IT Policy Statements
Note: An index for these policies and associated standards can be found in the IT Security Policies GROK article.
- PS-120 Information Security Program
- PS-121 Acceptable Use
- PS-122 IT Risk Management
- PS-123 Personnel
- PS-124 Data Management
- PS-125 IT Asset Management
- PS-126 Encryption
- PS-127 Compliance
- PS-128 Identity and Access Management
- PS-129 Physical Security
- PS-130 Application Security
- PS-131 Network Security
- PS-132 System Security
- PS-133 IT and Security Operations
LSU A&M Policy Statements
- PS-10 Internal & External Communications/Advertisements
- PS-30 Student Privacy Rights (Buckley Amendment)
- PS-40 Employee Records Confidentiality
- PS-113 Social Security Numbers
- Other LSU Policies
University System Permanent Memoranda
- PM-36 - Information Security
InCommon Federation
Leadership, Responsibility, and Authority for the Security of LSU's IT Infrastructure
Position on Copyright Infringement