CC&E Media Center



media inquiries

The communications specialist for the LSU College of the Coast & Environment can assist you with finding information for a story, finding a faculty member who can provide an expert opinion, arranging interviews and finding possible story ideas and photo opportunities. The college also sends out media advisories, press releases and news and feature articles to the media, which you can find below. 

Contact Bobbi Parry via email or at (225) 578-6534.


Latest News from CCE

Vince Wilson, who recently stepped down as director of CC&E undergraduate programs, discusses the beginnings of Coastal Environmental Science and how it has changed.

The LSU College of the Coast & Environment is excited to welcome Brian Snyder to his new role as Director of Undergraduate programs.

Department of Oceanography & Coastal Sciences Associate Professor Tracy Quirk has received the prestigious Whitman Fellowship from the University of Chicago's Marine Biological Laboratory