Electronic Test Scoring & Scanning

LSU Office of Testing & Evaluation Services (OTES) provides computerized scanning and test scoring services for Scantron (8.5"x11") general purpose scan sheets. Advanced analysis offerings include frequency distribution, item analysis, reliability coefficient, and descriptive statistics. Additionally, individual report sheets for students and electronic transfer of data services are available.

 OTES can only score full size Scantron (8.5"x11") general purpose scan sheets.

The basic charge of $12 per test, per course includes the following services:

  • Lists of scores -  one listing students alphabetically with rank and one listing students by LSU ID number.
  • Frequency distribution - a graph showing the distribution of scores; also gives the mean, median, and standard deviation.
  • Item analysis - a list showing the percentage of examinees who selected each specific answer choice for each question; also shows answers selected by upper third and lower third.

Other services we provide for additional charges on a per-exam basis include the following:

  • Individual Response Sheets - a printout appropriate for handing back to students that shows what each student answered for each question, the correct answer to each question, and student rank. Cost = $2.50/test.
  • Electronic Data Transfer (Score File and/or Scan File) - a text file, which lists examinees, scores, and any score adjustments, that can be emailed or provided to users on a disk. Cost = $7/test.
  • SAS Summary - provides mean, variance, standard deviation, reliability (KR-20), and standard error of measurement. Cost = $2.50/test.

The following are also available on an as-needed basis:

  • Standard 5-response sheets (answer choices A-E), 500-count. Cost = $20/pack.
  • 10-response sheets (answer choices A-J), 500-count. Cost = $25/pack.

OTES can only score full size Scantron (8.5"x11") general purpose scan sheets

  1. Fill out the Scantron Test Scoring Form

    • This form is filled out once a semester by the faculty member who is requesting the services
    • Faculty will need approval from their Department Chair 
  2. Fill out the Answer Key Form (White Form)

  3. Prepare for Scoring

    • Place the following items in sealed/clasped envelope:
      • Completed Scantron Test Scoring Form (first exam of the semester only)
      • Completed Answer Key Form
      • Weighted Exam or Different Exam Version Forms (as needed)
      • Scantron Sheets - OTES can only score full size Scantron (8.5"x11") general purpose scan sheets
      • Include the scan sheets from students who test through Disability Services
    • On the outside of the envelope, please include:
      • Instructor of Record's name and email address
      • Course name and number
      • Name of person submitting the scantron scoring job (if different than Instructor of Record)
    • Please note:
      • Include only one scantron scoring job per envelope
      • The envelope should be large enough to include the printed results, if requested
  4. Bring the completed forms and scantrons to the Office of Testing and Evaluation Services

    • Please bring the sealed/clasped envelope containing the items in step three above, to the LSU Office of Testing and Evaluation Services in Himes 51 and drop off with a staff member at the front desk
    • Access by utilizing stairwell on the first floor next to University College - Center for Advising and Counseling

  • OTES can only score full size Scantron (8.5"x11") general purpose scan sheets with circular response choices.

    • Shading of scan sheet bubbles must be done in pencil only (number two pencil preferred, ink can not be read)
    • Shading of exam responses must start on Side 1 of the scan sheet
    • Student name & ID number are shaded-in on Side 2 of the scan sheet
    • If you have multiple versions of an exam, then use the Grade or Education field on Side 2 of the scan sheet to indicate the version used. The only viable options are 1 through 9
  • Only one answer is allowed per question.

    • Shading-in more than one response for a question is read as an error by the scanner
    • Multiple Correct Responses:
      • If a question has multiple correct responses, a student may choose either correct response
      • No credit will be given if a student selects both correct responses
      • For example: if answers A and B are both valid as correct answers, then a student may shade only A or B to receive credit for the question
  • All the possible responses for a question can have different weightings/point values

 Test scoring is available Monday – Friday, with a 48-hour turnaround time.

  • Monday drop-off - Ready by 4 PM Wednesday
  • Tuesday drop-off - Ready by 4 PM Thursday
  • Wednesday drop-off -  Ready by 4 PM Friday
  • Thursday drop-off - Ready by 4 PM Monday
  • Friday drop-off - Ready by 4 PM Tuesday

 Please Note:

  • Processing times may be adjusted for holidays or LSU closures.
  • A special Finals Week schedule will be provided in advance.

For inquiries regarding test scoring Monday-Friday before 4 PM, contact otes@lsu.edu.

For assistance after 4 PM, email otes-eval@lsu.edu.


Form Requests

Forms must be submitted per the steps outline under the "Steps to Request Scantron Scoring" above.
Adobe Acrobat Professional, available for LSU faculty and staff, is required to save the forms below.


Scantron Test Scoring Form

  • Only required once a semester
  • Requires department head approval


Answer Key Form
(White Form)

  • Must be completed for each individual scoring job


Weighted Exam Form
(Yellow Form)

  • May be printed on white paper
  • Complete for each individual scoring job as necessary.

Different Exam Versions Form
(Pink Form)

  • May be printed on white paper
  • Complete for each individual scoring job as necessary.