VOICE: Veterinarians as One Inclusive Community for Empowerment 

VOICE is an independent student organization at LSU Vet Med organized and run by its student members. Membership is open to all LSU Vet Med students.


VOICE logo


VOICE officers

Executive board members wearing shirts from the Halloween Tie Dye Party we did in collaboration with Hill's during Fall 2023 semester.

Members at Mardi Gras Bingo


Members at drag show
Students tie dying t-shirts




Headshot of Cat Carranza


Catherine Carranza

Class of 2026

Headshot of Kristi Haakma

Vice President

Kristi Haakma

Class of 2026

Justine Sheu Headshot


Justine Sheu

Class of 2026

Paige Christiana Headshot


Paige Christiana

Class of 2026