Welcome To GeauxGrants
GeauxGrants is the electronic platform for grants management and research administration. GeauxGrants allows users to develop and route proposals, submit post-award modification requests, submit proposals directly to Grants.gov and NIH ASSIST, and review and approve awards and subawards. GeauxGrants also integrates with the existing Conflict of Interest and Human Subjects module as well as Animal Subjects modules, which will deploy over the course of this year.
GeauxGrants platform is for faculty and staff at LSU A&M (Baton Rouge), LSU AgCenter, and Pennington Biomedical Research Center only.
What is GeauxGrants?
GeauxGrants consists of four modules, each designed to handle specific research-related tasks: conflicts of interest, sponsored projects, human subject research (IRB) and animal subject research (IACUC).
Conflicts of Interest (COI) Module
The COI module handles disclosures of outside employment (PM-11), significant financial interests (SFI), and externally funded travel. PM-11 disclosures apply to all LSU employees, while SFI and externally funded travel disclosures only apply to those who are an investigator currently active with externally funded research. LSU's policy on financial conflicts of interest (PS-98) defines "investigator" as someone who is responsible for the design, conduct, or reporting of externally funded research, or proposals for such funding. This includes any Principal or Co-Principal Investigator, Senior Investigator or anyone regardless of title who is involved with an active funded project or a project that has applied for outside funding. This applies to all externally funded projects regardless of source or agency.
Sponsored Projects (SP) Module
The Sponsored Projects module provides tools for developing and in some cases submitting grant applications for research projects. This includes proposal development and pre-award submission tasks, proposal tracking for managing approval routing, and award tracking.
Human Subjects Research (IRB) Module
The Human Subjects Research module is for the submission, processing and review of IRB protocols.
Animal Subjects Research (IACUC) Module
The Animal Subjects Research module is for the submission, processing and review of IACUC protocols.