Schedule Booklet
Students should visit their Academics Hub in Workday to prepare for registration. The Academics Hub will allow students to view their upcoming registration appointments and holds that need to be resolved, explore the course sections being offered, and build saved schedules to better plan their upcoming studies. Additional information about course sections and financial aspects of registration are available in the Registration Guidebook (below).
If a user experiences a barrier due to a disability, please contact our office at 225-578-1686, or in person at 112 Thomas Boyd Hall.
Semester specific calendars can be found below:
Summer Registration Appointments
Summer Final Exam Schedule
*See Registration Guidebook and Course Offering links above.
Fall Registration Appointments
Fall Final Exam Schedule
*See Registration Guidebook and Course Offering links above.
Wintersession Registration Appointments
*See Registration Guidebook and Course Offering links above.
*See Registration Guidebook and Course Offering links above.